Monday, April 14, 2014

Get ready, BI Survey mortgage Flowers Call To KTA Will Rise

Jakarta - A recent survey by Bank Indonesia ( BI ) projections about bank credit in the year mentioned , the trend in bank lending will rise in all sectors , due to higher deposit rates .

From the survey quoted on Tuesday ( 15/4/201 ) , the upward trend in lending is credit growth in 2014 fell to only 18 % .

In the second quarter of 2014, the BI said , would be an increase in interest for all types of credit . For working capital loans , interest rates are expected to rise 20 basis points ( bps ) to 13.04 % . While consumer credit ( credit cards , loans without greatness / KTA ) will be increased by 8 bps to 14.82 % . While mortgage interest / apartment (mortgage / KPA ) and vehicle loans will rise each 13 bps and 19 bps .
see alsoharga vitamin burung )

For KPR / KPA , in the second quarter 2014 interest will be in the range of 10.31 % -14.39 % . While vehicle loans credit interest will be in the range of 10.19 % -17.28 % .

BI said the main priority of new bank lending is still the same as the previous quarter , ie working capital loans , mortgages / KPA , and credit for the wholesale and retail trade sector .

As for the whole 2014, the Bank stated , interest on deposits and loans in the form of dollars in the bank will go up significantly compared to the average in 2013 ago.

Interest working capital loans , investment loans , and consumer loans to rise each 53 bps , 90 bps , 91 bps and . The difference in deposit with the credit this year would have spread 7.07% for working capital loans , 6.62% for investment loans , and 8.36% for consumer credit . As for the mortgage / KPA and motor vehicle will have a spread of 5.85 % , respectively , and 7.26% .

Here's a list of mortgage interest for the year based on the results of a survey of BI :

Kredit modal kerja (rupiah) 10,42%-16,64%
Kredit investasi (rupiah) 10,36%-15,8%
Kredit konsumsi (rupiah) 10,92%-18,71%
Kredit modal kerja (dolar) 4,05%-8,61%
Kredit investasi (dolar) 4,16%-8,83%
Kredit konsumsi (dolar) 3,74%-9,5%
KPR/KPA 10,26%-14,35%
Kredit kendaraan bermotor 10,21%-17,24%
Kartu kredit 20,91%-37,81%
Kredit multiguna 11,56%-18,74%
Kredit Tanpa Agunan (KTA) 15,52%-28,14%


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